The controversy over the Lego set "Everyone is Awesome" also brings attention to the importance of representation and inclusivity in children's toys. Children are highly impressionable and the toys they play with can have a significant impact on their perception of the world around them. By including figures with disabilities in a mainstream toy set, Lego is sending a message that people with disabilities are an important part of our society and should be included and represented in all aspects of life.

Moreover, the new set can help to break down stereotypes and misconceptions about disabilities. For example, a child who plays with the Lego figure in a wheelchair may learn that people with disabilities can be just as capable and independent as anyone else. Similarly, a child who plays with the figure with a prosthetic leg may learn that people with disabilities can still participate in physical activities and sports.

In addition, the new Lego set can have a positive impact on children with disabilities, by providing them with toys that more accurately reflect their experiences and identities. This can help children with disabilities feel more included and accepted by their peers, and can also promote greater self-esteem and confidence.

Overall, the controversy over the Lego set "Everyone is Awesome" highlights the importance of representation and inclusivity in children's toys. By including figures with disabilities in a mainstream toy set, Lego is taking a positive step towards greater diversity and acceptance in popular culture, which can have a positive impact on children's perceptions of themselves and the world around them.