Sons of the Forest: The Latest Survival Horror Game in Early Access.

Are you a fan of survival horror games? If so, you'll be excited to know that Endnight Games has recently released their latest creation, "Sons of the Forest," in early access on Steam. As the sequel to "The Forest," this game promises to offer an even more immersive and thrilling experience for players.

Improved Graphics, Gameplay, and Storyline

"Sons of the Forest" boasts of several improvements from its predecessor, including enhanced graphics and gameplay mechanics. The game takes players on a journey to a mysterious peninsula where they will encounter dangerous creatures and solve puzzles to uncover the secrets of the forest. With a new storyline, players can expect a fresh and exciting adventure.

New Enemies, Weapons, and Tools

One of the game's selling points is the addition of new enemies, weapons, and tools. You will have to adapt to new challenges as you face off against formidable foes while using various weapons and tools to aid your survival.

Vast and Detailed Open-World Environment

Another highlight of the game is the vast and detailed open-world environment that players can explore. Get lost in the forest's beauty, but beware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows. You'll need to be resourceful and use your wits to survive.

Early Access Version Available for $16.99

The early access version of "Sons of the Forest" is currently available for purchase on Steam for $16.99. The developers have also promised to continually update the game with new content and features throughout the early access period.

The Importance of Community Feedback

Endnight Games understands the value of community feedback during the development process. As such, they encourage players to share their thoughts and opinions with the developers. This feedback will be essential in creating an even better and more engaging final product.


Overall, "Sons of the Forest" is an exciting addition to the survival horror genre. With its improved graphics, gameplay mechanics, and new storyline, players can expect an immersive experience. Add the new enemies, weapons, and tools, and the vast open-world environment, and it's clear why this game is generating buzz. Get your hands on the early access version now and be a part of its development process!